Monday, December 06, 2004

I've donated money on occasion to a few folks on my friend's list who were in dire straights, such as not having enough for gas and food until the next paycheck. I'm in a fortunate position of having enough money not to have to worry about these things, so I spread the Karma around just as I believe Christ would want me to.

Not really a big deal. However, if someone's laptop got stolen and I have an inkling they can eventually get another one ... please. Laptops are luxuries. Hitting the internet cafe or the library until you can afford another is one of those inconveniences that come with the bumps real life hands out on occasion.

Accepting donations from online readers for a new luxury item, especially from a few who are probably worse off than you? Tacky, tacky, tacky!

On the other hand, if some strangers want to dump their wallets into your lap for whatever weird reason, that's their prerogative, I guess.

But I can't help but wonder what that says about someone who thinks they deserve this sort of handout for something that's not necessary to life.



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